Important Facts about Indian Railways

1. India’s first train ran between: Bombay and Thane


2. The world’s longest railway platform is in India at: Gorakhpur


3. The train that has the longest run in terms of distance and time on Indian Railways network is: Vivek Express


4. Train that runs between India and Pakistan is: Samjhauta Express


5. Train running between India and Bangladesh is: Maitree Express


6. Indian train that won the world Heritage Status from UNESCO: Darjeeling Himalayan Railways


7. The Highest railway station in India: Ghum railway station (West Bengal)


8. The Longest Railway bridge in India: Vallarpadam Bridge, 4.62km (kerala)


9. The Longest Railway Tunnel in India (Asia’s second): Pir Panjal Railway Tunnel, 11.2km (Jammu and Kashmir)


10. Slogan of Indian Railway: Lifeline of the Nation


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