What is TES Entry in the Indian Army: A Detailed Overview

  1. Shortlisting of Applications: The initial shortlisting is done based on the candidate’s 10+2 PCM percentage and JEE Mains rank. Only shortlisted candidates are called for the SSB interview.
  2. SSB Interview: The Services Selection Board (SSB) interview is the primary selection stage, which evaluates a candidate’s personality, intelligence, and psychological preparedness. The interview is conducted in two stages over five days, testing a candidate’s physical and mental abilities.
  3. Medical Examination: After clearing the SSB, candidates undergo a medical examination to ensure they meet the Army’s physical and medical standards.
  4. Merit List: Based on the performance in the SSB interview and medical examination, a final merit list is prepared. Selected candidates are then called for training.
What is TES Entry in the Indian Army: A Detailed Overview

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