Hello readers welcome to flizzindia today we will talk about SSC and Bank jobs most of the students are searching for ”ssc vs bank po ”. SSC is one of the most popular exam in India. Every student want to crack Exams of staff Selection commission. General perception is that SSC is better than PO. But that’s not necessarily true. But first I want to make it clear that I am not prescribing anything to anybody. I am just giving an objective analysis. You can still hold a contrary view and take your own decision.
When we talk about Growth :
Growth prospects: You should always think in terms of long term, not short term. In long term, does SSC provide better career than PO. Obviously not. Think for yourself. Does a post in SSC gives you an opportunity to reach to the top i.e. Secretary to the Govt of India.
Now look at the PO. PO is the highest level of entry in any banking organisation. It gives you opportunity to reach to the top i.e. CMD. In-fact all CMDs were once a PO.
Money / Earnings / Emoluments: Again don’t think of starting salary. Think of entire career. PO offers more earnings than any SSC recruit. And if you are so desperate to earn more then work for 10-15 years in a PSB and switch to any of private banks. Many people in my knowledge have done that. There is no constraint if you are willing to go that extra mile. Is it possible for an SSC recruit? Think yourself.
According to me Bank PO job is more demanding and time consuming job in comparison to SSC.