Benefits of Building a Career in NDA

Benefits of Building a career in NDA
Q. What is the eligibility criteria for NDA?

Ans. Candidates must be Indian citizens, aged 16.5 to 19.5 years, and have passed 10+2 with physics and mathematics for the Air Force and Navy.

Q. Is NDA only for men?

Ans. No, since 2021, women candidates are also eligible to apply for NDA.

Q. How challenging is the NDA exam?

Ans. The exam is competitive and requires thorough preparation in mathematics, English, and general knowledge.

Q. What kind of physical fitness is required?

Ans. Candidates must meet strict physical and medical standards, including specific height, weight, and vision requirements.

Q. What roles can NDA graduates take on?

Ans. After completing NDA training, cadets are commissioned as officers in the Indian Army, Navy, or Air Force.