English Passage Free Online Test for Competitive Exams

English Free online test series to improve your score in competitive exams. As you know that we have lots of tests for competitive Exams. Now this time we have Passage in the form of Quiz. In this quiz a passage is given Read the passage carefully after that click on the button given below to start quiz. There are 5 Questions from the passage are given in quiz you to just select correct answers out of them.

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PASSAGE : It is difficult to reconcile the ideas of different schools of thought on the question of education. Some people maintain that pupils at school should concentrate on a narrow range of subjects which will benefit them directly in their subsequent careers. Others contend that they should study a wide range of subjects so that they have not only the specialised knowledge necessary for their chosen careers but also sound general knowledge about the world they will have to work and live in. Supporters of the first theory state that the greatest contributions to civilisation are made by those who are most expert in their trade or profession. Those on the other side say that, unless they have a broad general education, the experts will be too narrow in their outlook to have sympathy with their fellows or a proper sense of responsibility towards humanity as a whole.

English Passage Test


Time: 5 min

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