6 Ways Used by SSB Interviewing Officers to Catch a Liar

6 Ways used by SSB Interviewing Officer to catch a liar
Q. Can nervousness be mistaken for dishonesty?

Ans. Yes, but experienced officers can differentiate between nervousness and deception by analyzing patterns in behavior and responses.

Q. What happens if a candidate is caught lying?

Ans. Being caught lying severely damages credibility and often leads to rejection. The SSB values integrity above all else.

Q. How can I avoid being misunderstood?

Ans. Prepare thoroughly, be truthful, and communicate clearly to avoid any misinterpretation of your intentions.

Q. Are fabricated stories ever convincing?

Ans. Rarely. Experienced officers can easily identify fabricated stories due to lack of detail, emotional disconnect, or inconsistencies.

Q. How important is the PIQ form in detecting lies?

Ans. The PIQ form is crucial as it serves as the foundation for the personal interview. Any discrepancies between the form and verbal answers can raise doubts.