Top 50 Most Important GK Questions with Answers

S.No. Questions


1. Who wrote the Opera Madam Butterfly Puccini
2. What links – Goa – Kerula – Assam – Bihar India
3. Arthur Blaire was the real name of which author Eric George Orwell
4. Names – Baker Cook obvious what did Cordwainer do Shoemaker
5. Which country do Sinologists study China
6. Rudy Stevens became famous under which name Barbara Stanwyck
7. Which non alcoholic cordial is made from pomegranates Grenadine
8. What is Orchesis – either professional or amateur Art of Dancing
9. Taken literally what should you see in a Hippodrome Horses
10. Who wrote the Man in the Iron Mask Alexander Dumas
11. Which 1993 Disney film starred Bet Middler as a witch Hocus Pocus
12. Who piloted the first flight across the English channel Louis Bleriot
13. What was the first James Bond film Dr No
14. Consumption was the former name of which disease Tuberculosis
15. Which American state is nicknamed The Diamond State Delaware
16. What 1991 film won best film, actor, actress, director Oscars Silence of the Lambs
17. What was the capital of Ethiopia Addis Ababa
18. Aescapalious emblem staff snake Greek Roman god of what Medicine
19. Giacomo Agostini – 122 Grand Prix 15 world titles what sport Motorcycle Racing
20. What is the largest state in the USA Alaska
21. Led Deighton trilogy Game Set Match What 3 Capitals Berlin MexicoLondon
22. Alan Stuart Konigsberg famous as who Woody Allen
23. Which human rights organisation founded 1961 got Nobel 1977 Amnesty International
24. Whose autobiography was The long walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela
25. What was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter Tutankamen tomb
26. Clyde Tonbaugh discovered what planet in 1930 Pluto
27. Who won the women’s heptathlon at Seoul in 1988 Jackie Joyner-Kersey
28. Who wrote Northanger Abbey Jayne Austin
29. Who ran through the streets naked crying Eureka Archimedes
30. Who composed the Brandeberg concertos full names Johan Sebastian Bach
31. Who won the World Series in 1987 Minnesota twins
32. What is the correct term of address to the Pope Your Holiness
33. In which city was Alexander Graham Bell born in 1847 Edinburgh
34. What martial arts name means gentle way Judo
35. Jean Claude Killy famous in which sport Skiing
36. Kimberlite contains what precious item Diamonds
37. Who directed Dr Strangelove – 2001 – The Shining (full name) Stanley Kubrick
38. Rene Lalique – Art Nouveau designer worked what material Glass
39. Who composed the ballets Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker Tchaikovsky
40. AG Bell opened school in Boston in 1872 for Teachers of what The Deaf
41. Benjamin Kubelsky 1894 fame as what comedian Jack Benny
42. the Old Testament what book comes between Obadiah In Micah Jonah
43. Robin Williams dressed in drag for which 1993 film Mrs Doubtfire
44. Which chess piece could be a member of the church Bishop
45. Which German word means lightning war used in WW2 Blitzkrieg
46. Broccoli belongs to what family of plants Cabbage
47. Who designed the first Iron ship the Great Britain in 1845 I. Kingdom Brunel
48. Whose boat Bluebird was recently raised from Coniston water Donald Campbell
49. In 1951 which (of two) car companies introduced power steering Buick Chrysler
50. Who wrote Catch 22 (both names) Joseph Heller

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