1. Ants never sleep!
2. When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.
3. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his wife or mother; because they were both deaf.
4. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
5. Babies are born without knee caps – actually, they’re made of cartilage and the bone hardens, between the ages of 2-6 years.
6. Butterflies taste with their feet.
7. A “jiffy”, is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
8. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
9. Minus 40° Celsius, is exactly the same as minus 40° Fahrenheit.
10. No word in the English language rhymes with month – orange – silver -or- purple.
11. Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump”.
12. Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand during typing.