Welcome to FlizzIndia India’s Largest Educational Portal. Here we have the Full Form of SSB and detailed information about SSB. Friends there are two main full forms of SSB. List of SSB Coaching in Lucknow.
SSB Full Form

SSB : Service Selection Board
SSB Interview (Psychological Aptitude Test and Intelligence Test) The SSB Interview is the second and final round of NDA Selection Process. The SSB Interview round comprises two separate tests – Psychological Aptitude Test and Intelligence Test.
SSB : Sashatra Seema Bal
Recruitment for the posts of Asstt. Comdt. (Vety), Asstt. Comdt./GD(LDCE), SI/GD (LDCE), SI/Min (LDCE), HC/Min(LDCE), SI (Draughtsman), Asstt. Sub. Insp (Steno), Head Const (Min), Sub. Inspector (Tele), Asstt. Sub. Insp (Tele), Head Const (Tele), Const (Tele), Sub Insp (Pioneer), Head Const (Elect), Head Const (Workshop), Head Const (Vety), Constable (Vety), Sub Insp(Staff Nurse), ASI (Pharmacist), ASI (Physiotherapist), ASI (O.T. Technician), ASI (Radiographer), ASI (Dental Tech.), Head Const (Steward), Const (Lab. Asstt.), Const (Nursing Orderly), Const (Ayah) Female, Const (Masalchi), Const (Table Boy), Const (Driver), Const (Cook), Const (Washerman), Const (Barbar), Const (Safaiwala), Const (Water Carrier), Const (Waiter), Const (Mason), Const (Carpenter), Const (Painter), Const (Plumber), Const (Black Smith), Const (Tailor), Const (Cobbler) & Const (Gardener).
About SSB in NDA
The SSB interview gives more emphasis to mental fitness than physical fitness of a candidate but a certain level of physical fitness is also required to clear the interview. So, if a person wants to become an officer in the Indian Armed Forces, he has to appear for the SSB interview after clearing the written examination.
The eligibility criteria to appear for SSB interview requires that the candidate should not be married and the candidate must cleared the NDA or Combined Defence Services Examination conducted by UPSC.
SSB interview is a five-day long personality and intelligence test. It comprises different tests which are conducted on different days. After a candidate clear this interview, he needs to appear for the medical examination.