General Awareness is one of the most important part to score good marks in IBPS Exam. Candidates are suggested to follow strict routine for study specially for General awareness and Current affairs. I personally recommend Free online Test series for Competitive Exams on this Portal.
It has been decided by the competent authority to hold two-tier examinations for recruitment of PO/MT and Clerks from CWE-V onwards. All the candidates who successfully register themselves under CWE PO/MT-V and CWE CLERK-V will be called for Preliminary Examinations.
Based on the performance in the preliminary examination, certain number of candidates will be shortlisted for each of these examinations. The short listed candidates will then be called for Main Examinations. There will be fewer number of questions in the Preliminary Examination with shorter duration. We will guide you and provide you free study material for the preparation of IBPS Exam. Follow our daily GK Updates.
General Awareness for IBPS Exam Preparation General awareness is the section related to the day to day knowledge. The topics asked in this section are General knowledge, terms related to marketing, banking, and finance. It also includes the monetary policies, national and international monetary organizations like RBI, UNO, and IMF etc. Reading papers, informatory magazines, and keeping an eye on day to day news can help candidates remember important details of general knowledge. The question format and details of the topics asked in banking awareness are described in following sections.
Abbreviations: The abbreviations of common banking terms, currencies, or policies are asked under these types of questions. The abbreviations are related to bank’s functioning, common terms that are related to day to day transactions, the policies which are initiated for mass levels, new schemes for customer benefits, names of organizations, etc. are asked under this topic. Going through the abbreviations will help answering multiple choice questions easily.
Objective Type General Knowledge
Chapter 1 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 13 |
Chapter 2 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 14 |
Chapter 3 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 15 |
Chapter 4 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 16 |
Important Revolutions in the World
GK Current Affairs Questions and Answers March 2016
Top 50 GK Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams